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GYSC Anti-Harassment Policy


Gettysburg Youth Soccer Club defines bullying as “repeated inappropriate behavior, either direct or
indirect, whether verbal, physical or otherwise, conducted by one or more persons against another or
others, at soccer practice, events, or through the course of operations related to GYSC soccer (including
but not limited to phone conversations, email, via social media and through other interactions).” The
purpose of this policy is to communicate to all board members, employees, contractors, volunteers,
parents, and players that the club will not tolerate bullying behavior. Individuals found in violation of
this policy will be disciplined up to and including termination/removal from the club. Bullying may be
intentional or unintentional. However, it must be noted that where an allegation of bullying is made, the
intention of the alleged bully is irrelevant and will not be given consideration when determining
disciplinary action. As in sexual harassment, it is the effect of the behavior upon the individual that is

GYSC considers the following types of behavior examples of bullying:
• Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication bullying: Slandering, ridiculing, or maligning a person or
his/her family; persistent name calling that is hurtful, insulting or humiliating; using a person as
the butt of jokes; abusive and offensive remarks.
• Physical bullying: Pushing, shoving, kicking, poking, tripping, assault, or threat of physical
assault; damage to a person’s personal area or property.
• Gesture bullying: Nonverbal threatening gestures or glances that convey threatening messages.
• Exclusion: Socially or physically excluding or disregarding a person in club related activities.


We expect every person associated with GYSC to be treated with fairness, respect, and dignity.
Accordingly, any form of discrimination or harassment related to an individual’s race, color, religion,
gender, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, genetic
information, marital status, amnesty or status as a covered veteran is a violation of this policy and will
be treated as a disciplinary matter. For these purposes, the term harassment includes slurs and any
other offensive remarks, jokes, graphic material, or other offensive verbal, written or physical conduct.
GYSC is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy work environment and takes all appropriate health
and safety precautions consistent with current medical knowledge. Board members, employees,
contractors, volunteers, parents, and players may not refuse to work with, cooperate with, withhold
services from or otherwise harass, intimidate, demean or isolate an individual because of a known or
suspected disability or non-communicable disease or because of an individuals association with a

person with a disability or non-communicable disease. If you have any questions about what constitutes
harassing behavior, ask the club Director or President of the Board. Sexual harassment is a form of
harassment that has been defined as including unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors,
or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when submission is explicitly or implicitly a term
or condition of employment, including contractors/appointment to the board of directors or other
volunteer position or the basis for these decisions affecting the individual, or when such conduct has the
purpose or effect of interfering with an individual’s performance or of creating an intimidating, hostile,
or offensive work environment. Sexual harassment does not encompass behavior or occasional
compliments of a socially - acceptable nature. It does encompass behavior of a sexual nature that is not
welcome, that is objectively offensive and that alters the terms and conditions of your
employment/volunteer position. Specifically, sexual harassment is conduct that is both severe and
pervasive. Examples of such conduct may include: demands for sexual favors, sexual innuendoes,
sexually suggestive comments, jokes of a sexual nature, sexual propositions, sexually suggestive objects
or pictures, suggestive/obscene gestures, or unwanted physical contact (including touching, pinching,
coerced sexual intercourse, and assault). If you feel that you or any member have been a victim of
discrimination or harassment by someone affiliated with the organization or if you become aware of
such behavior, you should contact the GYSC Director or any member of the board with whom you feel
comfortable discussing your concerns. We will take all steps necessary to prevent any form of
discrimination or harassment. All board members are informed of this policy and have been instructed
as to what constitutes proper and improper behavior. We are prepared to promptly take steps
necessary to enforce this policy. The Club requires prompt reporting so that appropriate discipline
and/or corrective action may be taken. Late reporting may materially hamper the Club’s ability to
investigate and respond. GYSC will promptly investigate all complaints and will endeavor to handle these
matters expeditiously, confidentially to the extent possible, and in a professional manner to protect the
offended individual and other individuals providing relevant information. When the situation is fully
understood by the board, prompt and appropriate action will be taken. Violation of this policy by a
person associated with the club will subject that person to disciplinary action, possibly including removal
from the club. There will be no retaliation against anyone for stepping forward with a concern regarding
any type of harassment. Anyone having any questions concerning this policy should contact the Club
Director or President of the Board for a confidential discussion, and all individuals are assured that the
utmost discretion will be used in the handling of such matters.

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