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Soccer Field


At GYSC we take considerable pride in the reputation of our club. All families should adhere to
the following guidelines during training sessions and games:

1. SIDELINE BEHAVIOR - Please remember that the games are for the kids. We have had very few
incidents over the past years, but one person can ruin everything. Please refrain from yelling at
referees, coaches, other players, other parents, and your own child. We certainly encourage
cheering and hope you acknowledge nice goals, saves, and hustle.


2. SIDELINE COACHING - Parents and family members should never shout instructions to the
players during games or training sessions. These words of "advice" can be extremely detrimental to your child, and to his/her teammates as they can cause confusion with what their trainer or coach is trying to teach. As far as tactics go, the only voices that should be heard during games are those of the players and coaches. We do encourage all positive words of encouragement and cheering.

3. REFEREES - There is already a major shortage of referees for soccer. Each year we have new
referees. Many young referees quit after one season because of verbal abuse. Yelling at referees
will not be tolerated ... UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE. The coach(es) and/or administrator will
handle any issues that are deemed extreme.

4. PLAYER DEVELOPMENT - Player development is a PROCESS. Patience and TRUST in the club's philosophy and methodology is necessary. If you are looking for instant success during every game or tournament, you are in the wrong club. We always try to win, but more importantly we work to play smart soccer.

5. SOCCER - Youth soccer and youth sports in general, are supposed to be FUN. We must all work
together to make sure your child has a fun and positive experience with the club. Keep the
dialogue open, and we will make sure your goals are accomplished.

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